Friday, August 31, 2007

Sunday, August 19, 2007


RESCUING ROVER ADOPT-A-THON, originally uploaded by KatieTark.

CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO SEE FULL VIEW. You can also download the picture.

Wow, what a great event. It was way too hot to have the animals outside, so it was great to have a complete booklet of all the pets available from our Foster Homes.

Thank you so much for your Donations.

Scott & Glenda, Rick & Ann and Jessica. . .thank you for becoming volunteers/foster homes.

We're looking forward to placing some of our special angels with you very soon.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

In Hope, An Animal Shelter Story

As a nation, we claim to love cats and dogs. Millions of households have pets, and billions of dollars are spent yearly on pet supplies and food. But as a nation, we should take a hard, sobering look at a different annual statistic: the millions of dogs and cats given up to shelters or left to die on the streets. And the numbers tell only half the story.

Every cat or dog who dies as a result of pet overpopulation—whether humanely in a shelter or by injury, disease, or neglect—is an animal who, more often than not, would have made a wonderful companion, if given the chance. Tremendous as the problem of pet overpopulation is, it can be solved if each of us takes just one small step, starting with not allowing our animals to breed. Here's information about this crisis and why spaying and neutering is the first step to a solution. -HSUS

WARNING: This video may be disturbing to viewers. The content is graphic, factual, compelling and highly emotional. Please use viewer discretion. Must for FREE Pet Training Videos


It is our dream that through the creation of we’ll help owners and their pets strengthen their unique bond. Our first order of business is to launch over 200 training videos that are easy, quick to watch, and fun to do with your pet. New and seasoned pet-owners can work on one behavior, skill, or fun trick at a time and enjoy watching their relationship with their pet blossom. PetVideo is also the engine that drives the new adoptable pet videos – a lifesaving medium to help adoptable pets put their best paw forward.

For more information visit

Friday, August 10, 2007

If a Pet Could Choose His Owner, Would He Choose You?

There are many things to consider when considering adopting a pet -- far beyond "How cute!" So why do you want a Pet?
If a Pet Could Choose His Owner, Would He Choose You?

Monday, August 6, 2007

Arkansas Puppies Rescued From Alleged Puppy Mill Operation

Mixed-breed puppies removed from an Arkansas SUV will stay in California. The 47 puppies were taken by authorities from what is believed to be a puppy mill operator who allegedly transported them from Arkansas to California with the intention of selling them here, according to authorities.Sheriff's deputies Wednesday arrested Eldon McAfee, of Everton, Arkansas, on charges of cruelty to animals. He was arrested in Spring Valley and faces a possible 46 misdemeanor counts of cruelty to animals. Each misdemeanor count carries up to a six-month jail sentence and a $500 fine.
continue reading. . . (be sure to watch the video too!)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Witness Trailer

The Witness

What's the film about? Howard Rosenberg, in the Los Angeles Times, says "The Witness is one man's truth that cries out for mass exposure...may be the most important and persuasive film about animals ever made. It tells a deeply soulful story of redemption that is quite remarkable, one whose unlikely center is a 44-year-old former tough guy whose personal odyssey, from disdain of animals to being their champion, merits a TV movie or feature film. He's Eddie Lama."

Get to know Eddie. He will change your life, soften your heart, and move you to tears.

By ordering your copy today, you will directly help a chained dog.

View the Video Trailer: The Witness Trailer

What To Do When You Find a Stray Dog or Cat | The Humane Society of the United States

"You're in your car, heading somewhere or other, a long list of things to accomplish and already running late. Suddenly, you see him—a dog, there, by the side of the road. With a sinking feeling, you realize he's alone. Your car is coming alongside him now. You have only seconds in which to act. But what should you do?"

What To Do When You Find a Stray Dog or Cat | The Humane Society of the United States

Becoming a Foster Parent: Are You Ready?

Because I have been fostering shelter dogs for more than 20 years, I am often asked the same questions: “Why do you foster?” “How do you find the time?” “How do you choose the right animal?” “How do you know if they’ll get along with your pets?” “How do you keep from getting attached?”

Click for more details: Becoming a Foster Parent: Are You Ready?

Separation Anxiety | The Humane Society of the United States

Does your dog panic and become destructive every time you leave the house? If so, he may suffer from separation anxiety. Try these techniques for helping your dog to overcome the problem.

Click here for details: Separation Anxiety | The Humane Society of the United States

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Finnegan, the baby Squirrel Dog....

This is really true. You can check it out at: