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Rescuing Rover Reviews
This is an up-to-date blog of happenings in our area. This "TOOLS TO USE" Blog is also intended as a resource for shelters/rescue groups/foster homes/individuals in Boone County, Arkansas that will be showcasing animals on our Adoptions Blog.
CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO SEE FULL VIEW. You can also download the picture.
Wow, what a great event. It was way too hot to have the animals outside, so it was great to have a complete booklet of all the pets available from our Foster Homes.
Thank you so much for your Donations.
Scott & Glenda, Rick & Ann and Jessica. . .thank you for becoming volunteers/foster homes.
We're looking forward to placing some of our special angels with you very soon.
Every cat or dog who dies as a result of pet overpopulation—whether humanely in a shelter or by injury, disease, or neglect—is an animal who, more often than not, would have made a wonderful companion, if given the chance. Tremendous as the problem of pet overpopulation is, it can be solved if each of us takes just one small step, starting with not allowing our animals to breed. Here's information about this crisis and why spaying and neutering is the first step to a solution. -HSUS
WARNING: This video may be disturbing to viewers. The content is graphic, factual, compelling and highly emotional. Please use viewer discretion.What's the film about? Howard Rosenberg, in the Los Angeles Times, says "The Witness is one man's truth that cries out for mass exposure...may be the most important and persuasive film about animals ever made. It tells a deeply soulful story of redemption that is quite remarkable, one whose unlikely center is a 44-year-old former tough guy whose personal odyssey, from disdain of animals to being their champion, merits a TV movie or feature film. He's Eddie Lama."
Get to know Eddie. He will change your life, soften your heart, and move you to tears.
By ordering your copy today, you will directly help a chained dog.
View the Video Trailer: The Witness TrailerThis is really true. You can check it out at: http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/finnegan.asp